Be careful in this heat!

If you must be at your storage unit during extreme summer temperatures be sure to drink plenty of water, take lots of breaks in the shade & keep an eye out for any signs of heat exhaustion. Here's what to watch for:

Faintness or dizziness
Nausea or vomiting
Heavy sweating often with cold, clammy skin
Weak, rapid pulse
Pale or flushed face
Muscle cramps
Weakness or fatigue

If you, or anyone else, experiences heat exhaustion immediately get out of the heat and off your feet. You're always welcome in the office! If we aren't open or you can't go somewhere with a/c, find a shady spot. Drink plenty of fluid (avoid caffeine and alcohol) and remove tight or unnecessary clothing. If there is no improvement don't wait to seek medical help!



Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell to satisfy the lien of the owner at public sale, by competitive bidding on June 2nd, 2017 at 7:30am at: Airport Self Storage, 31665 Mt. Hermon Rd., Salisbury MD 21804, 410-749-6163.

The personal goods stored therein by the below named occupants: #319 - Cody, #128 - Jones, #214 - Outten, #330 - Magee, #241 - Mumford, #220 - Jones, #364 - Davis, #252 - Irwin, #405 - Geer, #327 - Saunders

Purchases must be made with cash only and paid for at the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must be removed within 24 hours of the sale. Sale is subject to adjournment.

jsp, 05/18/17 - 06/01/17

Per October 2015 updates to the Maryland Self Storage Act: Online publishing now fulfills the legal public posting requirement prior to sale. We have opted for this rather than our past practice of advertising in the local paper because use of the internet is now so widespread. We feel the likelihood of reaching the delinquent customers is higher online, thus affording them an opportunity to contact us and settle their account so as to avoid auction. This notice has been cross-posted across our social media platforms, including a full post on Facebook and a link to this blog entry on twitter. Following the auction all social media posts will be removed to protect the privacy of our tenants. This blog entry will remain for legality reference purposes.

Be sure to thank a Veteran today.

Thank you to all who have served and those serving now. Happy Veteran's Day. We are thankful beyond measure for your service.

Check this site before hiring movers

Before hiring a mover, make sure you know your rights and responsibilities! Learn to spot the red flags of moving fraud and make your next move a success by downloading a free Moving Fraud Prevention Guide. Interstate movers must comply with federal rules and regulations, which include registering with FMCSA. Search for registered movers and view their complaint histories before selecting a mover here:

Avoid Cord Spaghetti

During your packing before you unplug electric cords for things like computers and electronic setups, be sure to document what goes where. Snap some pictures or draw out a quick diagram. You can also mark each one by making a little flag using packing tape and writing where it goes with a sharpie. It's worth it to take the couple extra minutes during packing than to spend hours reconstructing when you arrive for set up.


This story aired last night about one homeowners' belongings that are now GONE. It's just over one minute long so please take the time to watch. We can all learn from this. Get recommendations from friends, check references, read reviews online, look at BBB ratings, as well as directly supervise the loading, transport and unloading so something like this doesn't happen to you or someone you care about.